What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down – 5 Simple Steps

A car breakdown can be any adventurer’s worst nightmare. Not only does it result in a poor experience, but it also poses some serious safety risks for you. More dangerous if you are driving on a busy highway. Safety experts recommend having the highest degree of safety measures in your car as it can be a matter of life and death for both you and your family.
Breakdowns can’t be predicted, we can only mitigate the risks by ensuring 100% safety from our side. Let’s have a look at some of the expert advice on what you should do in case of a car breakdown.
5 Easy to Follow Tips You Should Keep in Mind in Case of a Car Breakdown:
Stay Calm and Composed

If you haven’t experienced a break down before, then the first car breakdown can be a little scary for you. And though it is understandable as you have never been in such a situation before, you need to stay calm and composed. Don’t overthink in such situations. Chances are you will end up making things worse if you panic too much. So first and foremost tip is to remain calm and look for possible help!
Get the Car off the Road

That’s right! Instead of staying on the road, you should try to get your car off the road. It is necessary to pull the vehicle over to the side of the road and leave the hazard lights on so the other drivers on the road would know that something is wrong and you need help. Once you park your vehicle in the corner, do engage the emergency brake and turn the steering wheel away. Now look for help!
Stay in the Vehicle

Always prefer staying inside the car unless there’s some extreme damage, or it’s too unsafe to be in the car. Keep your family members or fellow passengers in the vehicle for safety reasons. Explore other options. Check the kind of damage or try to identify the reason for the breakdown and some potential solutions. You can also look for the car insurance details, that you must have considered before buying car insurance, and emergency contact numbers if any.
Be alert and Careful

There may be many risks and dangers if you are in an unfamiliar place. Hence, it’s probably the best to remain inside the car and keep doors locked. If any suspicious person comes near your car, slightly roll down the window and tell them help is on the way, and you have already phoned your friends or relatives nearby. In case you still feel any suspicion, call the police if need be.
Always be prepared

Preparedness is the key. We often don’t pay attention to these things.
- Get your car serviced regularly.
- Inspect each and every function of the car properly before going on a long trip.
- Keep your contacts in place.
- Ensure minimal interruption in case of a breakdown with third party car insurance services.
With these precautions, half the problems are already solved.
These tips would assist you in dealing with the circumstance well. Car breakdowns can pose some serious financial dent if not planned well ahead of time for such situations. Discuss your car insurance policy with your agent thoroughly to understand the extent of your coverage. We can’t control the breakdowns, but we can definitely control financial loss from such breakdowns.